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spinal marrow中文是什么意思

用"spinal marrow"造句"spinal marrow"怎么读"spinal marrow" in a sentence


  • 背髓
  • 脊髓


  • Hook - shaped spinal marrow elevator
  • " his talent ? i believe he thrusts pins through the heads of rabbits , he makes fowls eat madder , and punches the spinal marrow out of dogs with whalebone .
    “他的才能我相信他能够用小针戳兔子的头,他能让母鸡吃茜草,他能够用鲸须挑出狗的脊髓。 ”
  • " this must be very flattering to the feelings of the rabbits into whose heads he has thrust pins , to the fowls whose bones he has dyed red , and to the dogs whose spinal marrow he has punched out ? " albert laughed
    “这句话要是被那些让他用针戳过的兔子,那些骨头被他用茜草染成红色的鸡以及那些被他挑过脊髓的狗听到,它们一定要伤心死了。 ”
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